Videos on Growth Management / Urban Boundary

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A) The FCA worked with a group of Telfer Students to study neighbourhood development in the Winter term of 2020. The students decided to study Barrhaven as a template.The students presentation is availabe for download “Creating the Most Liveable Ottawa – Developing a scalable template for designing 15-Minute Neighbourhoods”. Their 5 min presentation to the planning committee on April 7 2020 is at

B) The Centretown Community Association hosted a Zoom debate May 7, 2020 on the proposal to expand Ottawa’s urban boundary. Our guests were prominent voices on both sides of the issue – Miguel Tremblay from FoTenn Planning and Design, Paul Johanis from the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, and Catherine McKenney and Glen Gower from Ottawa City Council. The full debate lasts about 45 minutes.Video:

C) Enjoy this creative Virtual Jane’s Walk of the Old Ottawa East with thanks to Rebecca Aird and her family. This family-run virtual Jane’s Walk is inspired by the work of an incredible and growing coalition of diverse citizen’s groups that has formed to make Ottawa a more sustainable, equitable and vibrant City through smart intensification. This People’s Official Plan coalition can play a critical role in shifting public opinion. This can in turn make the need for an urban boundary expansion (UBE) unnecessary. Old Ottawa East — a 15-minute Community: A Virtual Jane’s Walk in praise of intensification/diversification

D) Christina V chose to bike the current Urban Boundary. Here is the bike route. Her tweets from her trip are available at

E) Ottawa Climate Solutions’ Ottawa Urban Boundary Video Collection