FCA-FAC General Meeting – Wednesday December 15, 2021

The meeting was held by Google Meet. A prime feature of the meeting was City plans for active transportation. A draft agenda for the meeting is here. Draft minutes for the previous (Nov. 17) meeting are here. PRESENTATION(copy link) https://g4t993.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/211215AT.pdf

Dialogue for new Zoning By-law begins

On Dec. 1, the FCA Planning & Zoning Committee received a briefing on the City’s plans for developing a new zoning by-law. The multi-year project, which will include extensive stakeholder consultation, is described in the presentation found here.

FCA-FAC General Meeting – Wed. Nov. 17, 2021

The General Meeting of FCA-FAC was held by videoconference. A prime feature of the meeting was a presentation by the Coalition of Health and Resource Centres on community safety. A document by the coalition on the subject is here

City Budget for 2022

Throughout November and into December, various Standing Committees of Council, Commissions and Boards will deliberate on the City of Ottawa budget for 2022, leading to adoption by Council on December 8. Information on the budget process and details of meetings are here.

FCA-FAC General Meeting – Wed. Oct. 20, 2021

The General Meeting was held virtually using Google Meet videoconferencing. The meeting included a “post-mortem” on the hearings for a new Official Plan plus discussion about City Budget discussions to occur in November.

New Official Plan debate

A revised Official Plan for Ottawa will be considered October 14 by a joint meeting of Planning and Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committees. For details go to https://app05.ottawa.ca/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=8453&doctype=AGENDA