FCA-FAC General Meeting Sept. 15, 2021

Held by Google Meet from 7pm with discussion on community presentations on the new Official Plan. Draft agenda is here. {Check prior to meeting for updates.} Draft minutes of previous (19 May 2021) meeting are here.

FCA-FAC Annual General Meeting – June 16, 2021

The FCA-FAC Annual General Meeting was held Wednesday June 16, 2021 from 7pm. The meeting was held by videoconference. The AGM dealt with the FCA Awards, the President’s Report, financial statements, amendments to the FCA Constitution/By-law (these were tabled at the May 19 General Meeting), election of the Board (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up […]

FCA-FAC General Meeting Wed. Apr. 21

The next FCA-FAC General Meeting will be on Wednesday April 21 @ 7 pm via Google Meet. The main topic will be the City’s Parks & Recreation Facilities Master Plan review