FCA-FAC General Meeting

January 16, 2019 @ 7:00 pm


January 16, 2019    
7:00 pm

First meeting of the year will feature “speed-dating”, brief interviews on a rotational basis with experts on city services. (See below for further details.) The meeting will be held in the Richmond Room at Nepean Sportsplex on Woodroffe Ave.

A draft agenda for the Jan. 16 meeting is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/190116DA.pdf Note that the agenda background information addendum provides links to the presentations from the January 9 briefing on site plan control modification and on the LPASC – Local Planning Appeal Support Centre.

The following subject experts will be available for “speed-dating’ interviews:

1.      Library Services:    Karen Beiles, Coordinator, West Branches / Community Development Lead

2.      Recreation,  Cultural and Facility Services:   Frempon Bafi-Yeboa,
Portfolio Manager, Funding Partnerships & Agreements Management and David Masrour, Funding Coordinator, Funding Partnerships and Agreements

3.      Emergency and Protective Services: Alison Sandor, By-law and Regulatory Services Branch  

4.      Ottawa Public Health: Inge Roosendaal, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP, Program Development Officer & Planner, Communications & Community Engagement  and Doug Kirkpatrick, Director of Communications and Community Engagement

5.      Community Development  Framework(CDF):  Tammy Corner, Facilitator, CDF

6.      Ottawa Police Services: Mandy Wilson, Community Developer,  Ottawa Police Service Community Development Section,  Executive Services Directorate

7.      Service Innovation and Performance:   Tracy Gierman, Manager of HR Client Relations

8.      Service Innovation and Performance:  Kim Ennis, Program Manager, Service Improvement, Digital Services and Innovation, Service Transformation

9.      Service Innovation and Performance: Rob Giggey, Program Manager, Web Services, Service Ottawa

10.  Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development(PIED):  David Maloney, Planner, Heritage and Urban Design Services

11OC Transpo, Transportation Services: Danielle Ritz, Customer Services