FCA-FAC General Meeting

January 17, 2018 @ 7:15 pm


January 17, 2018    
7:15 pm

On January 17 an FCA-FAC General Meeting will be held at Kitchissippi United Church with an Arts and Culture theme.

In accordance with our custom at the first meeting of the new year, the meeting will feature “speed-dating”, a series of simultaneous small group interviews with invited experts. Meeting attendees rotate from expert to expert making contacts and learning of various topics of interest to communities.

At the January 17 meeting, it will be possible to learn about opportunities for building sense of community and encouraging engagement through arts and cultural initiatives.

Following the “speed-dating” activity, regular FCA-FAC general meeting will take place.

Members and prospective member are invited to bring along representative from their communities who might welcome contact with the invited experts. Observers are always welcome at FCA-FAC General Meetings.

A draft agenda with background information for the January 17 meeting is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/180117DA-1.pdf   Draft minutes for the previous (Nov. 22) meeting are found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/171122DM.pdf