According to the Oxford Reference Dictionary, a “levee” was “a reception of visitors on rising from bed” but is now “an assembly of visitors or guests” and in Ottawa this is associated with the New Year.
2. The next general meeting of the FCA [Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa] is our own interpretation of the levee with the theme “let’s talk!”. The meeting will be held Wednesday January 13 at Tanglewood Park Community Centre, 31 Woodfield Drive. Formal start time is 7:15 pm but timely arrival at 7:00 is recommended.
3. “Speed dating” Several experts both from among senior City Officials and the Voluntary and Private sector have been invited to the Jan. 13 meeting. They are preparing a series of “Speed Dates”, structured time‐limited discussions with community representatives moving from expert to expert. To permit direct conversational contact, we propose that in each rotation a maximum of three community representatives meet with each expert (i.e. each discussion would feature up to four people– one expert and three others).
4. “State of the community” While the “speed dating” is going on, and during other networking time, a small team of recorders will be collecting community views and concerns. Help ensure your ideas are captured by the recorders. You are welcome to leave notes on your main points. We hope to incorporate the material collected into a document for the City and Public outlining community thinking at the New Year.
5. “Open Mike” In the latter part of the meeting, we reserved time for an Open Mike plenary session at which any participant is invited to inform the entire meeting about some new event or issue of general interest.
6. “Levee” In addition to a programmed time for “networking”, we anticipate there will be many participants who are between “speed dates” or otherwise free to chat with others. You can use this time for unstructured discussion with each other, on what’s working well, or with invited experts. To provide fuel for all this discussion, please contribute to the Dessert Pot Luck with a snack or sweet to share. Here is a chance for you to distribute some of the holiday treats you have not yet enjoyed (and may have resolved to avoid in the new year).
7. Our normal meeting announcement welcomes you to send two delegates to FCA general meetings. Observers are always welcome. For this “let’s talk!” meeting help build up a broad attendance. For anyone who is curious about the FCA or who follows civic affairs in Ottawa, this is an ideal occasion to meet others with similar interests.
8. Detailed information is found on the FCA website. The draft agenda for the Jan. 13 meeting, with attached background information on the experts for “speed dating” and a preliminary list of community concerns are found at 160113DA . Draft minutes of the previous (December 10) are found at 151210DM