FCA opposition to Lansdowne 2.0

At the FCA General Meeting on Wednesday, October 18, there was a motion passed in opposition of Lansdowne 2.0. This media release was issued the following day  MR Lansdowne2 opposition 18Oct23 The following letter has been sent to Mayor Sutcliffe and every City Councillor  2023Oct – Lansdowne2.0

FCA-FAC General Meeting – Wed. October 18, 2023

A General Meeting of the FCA-FAC was held Wednesday October 18. Topics discussed included the Lansdowne 2.0 proposal and proposed motions on transit budgets and fares. A draft agenda is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/231018DA.pdf Draft minutes for the previous (September 20) meeting are at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/230920DM.pdf