FCA Position Statment

Proposed Official Plan Amendment Proposed OPA # D01-01-24-0020 The Federation of Citizens’ Association (FCA), after thorough review of a proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) wishes to express its opposition to the Official Plan Amendment in its current form. We understand that the purpose of the proposed OPA is to add, in Ottawa’s Official Plan, the types […]

FCA-FAC Annual General Meeting – Wednesday June 15, 2022

The agenda for the AGM is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/220615DA.pdf . Note that links to other meeting documents are found on the second page of the agenda. At the June 15 meeting a presentation on POP – Peoples Official Plan was delivered by Paul Johanis. The presentation is at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/220615POP.pdf

Workshop – Climate Solutions & Ottawa’s Official Plan -Nov. 15-16

Ecology Ottawa and Greenspace Alliance are running a workshop on “Climate Solutions and Ottawa’s Official Plan on November 15 and 16. Details and registration information is at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/climate-solutions-and-ottawas-official-plan-nov-15-and-16-registration-74353638735