Sparks Street Renewal & other planning updates
The city of Ottawa has released information on the Sparks street renewal and other planning updates. See the link here for more details.
Tips for community associations concerned with crime and safety
Crime Prevention Ottawa and the FCA recently put together some articles on dealing with crime and safety in your neighbourhoods from a CA perspective. Here are the articles in English: et en français: For more information on assessing crime data check out the Ottawa neighbourhood study here.
City of Ottawa – Property Standards survey
This is to advise you about the City of Ottawa’s Property Standards By-law Review, which just recently began. A comprehensive review of the Property Standards By-law was completed in 2013 and resulted in a new and updated by-law. However, a few additional issues were raised as part of the By-law Review Strategy approved by Council […]
FCA Transportation Workshop and Survey
The City of Ottawa’s current Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was approved in 2013, based on 2006 census information, 2011 traffic data, background reports and public consultation. It contains targets and strategies regarding walking, cycling, transit and vehicles for 2031. The City originally intended to update the TMP for 2018, but now does not expect to […]
Greenspaces Survey results
From March 10 to the 14th, the FCA in partnership with Greenspace Alliance released a greenspaces survey to its FCA network. 82 respondents from around the city chimed in. Have a look at the results here:
FCA-Urban Forest Management Plan – Feedback & Submission to the City of Ottawa
Below is the Federation of Citizens’ Associations’ Comments regarding the proposed Urban Forest Management Plan. Ontario’s provincial policy statement of 2014 under the Planning Act can be found here: Also a power point outlining some of the main points relating to Urban Forests and the health of cities from an FCA power point presentation […]