FCA-FAC General Meeting – Wed. April 19, 2023
The April 19 meeting will be held as a Google Meet videoconference. The prime topic will be follow-up on the April 15 workshop on the Transportation Master Plan. An updated draft agenda for the meeting is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/230419DA2.pdf Draft minutes for the previous (March 15) meeting are at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/230315DM.pdf
Transportation Master Plan Workshop – April 15, 2023
In association with partner organizations, FCA-FAC held a workshop on Saturday April 15. A report on the outcome of the workshop plus copies of presentations from the event are at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/230415GN.pdf
Workshop – a new Transportation Master Plan – Nov. 30
The City presentation on the revision of the Transportation Master Plan, delivered at the workshop, is found at https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/191130TM.pdf FCA-FAC is organizing a weekend workshop the morning of Saturday November 30 at Tom Brown Arena. The Transportation Master Plan is a companion document to the City’s Official Plan, which outlines how people & goods will […]
Federation of Citizens Associations (FCA) Presentation to Ottawa Police Services Board Re. the 2018 Budget
Some FCA members presented to the Police Services Board November 28th, 2017. Here is a link to the document which summarizes their presentation. https://fca-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/FCA-budget-brief-OPS-27Nov17.pdf
Transportation Equity Summit
The Healthy Transportation Coalition and EnviroCentre are pleased to invite you to the: 2017 Transportation Equity Summit September 22, 2017 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Ottawa City Hall This year’s summit provides a platform for the ongoing dialogue needed to achieve equitable transportation in Ottawa. The summit will provide an opportunity for professionals, decision makers […]
FCA Transportation Workshop and Survey
The City of Ottawa’s current Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was approved in 2013, based on 2006 census information, 2011 traffic data, background reports and public consultation. It contains targets and strategies regarding walking, cycling, transit and vehicles for 2031. The City originally intended to update the TMP for 2018, but now does not expect to […]